Library Overview
Library Overview
- To access the library module, navigate to the top left-hand menu and click on Library.
- You can sort through your saved files by using tag filters. Simply tick the box next to the tag(s) you want to filter by.
- To upload a new file, click Upload A File. A pop-up will appear where you can choose what file to upload, add a caption (title), apply tags, set permissions, and enter an expiry date before saving it to your library.
- You can set permissions on a per-file basis by selecting users from the Access Permissions drop-down list. To use the default permission set for the tag, leave this box empty.
- If you would like the file to be acknowledged after a set interval, click on the Acknowledge Expiry Interval box and select a time interval. For example, you might want your team to review and acknowledge your employee handbook every year.
- Once you hit save, your file will appear in the files list. To record that you have seen/ read the document, click Acknowledge. For files that need to be re-acknowledged, a reminder will be sent after the interval selected in the file settings.
Note: Visit the settings guide here to learn more about adding tag permissions.